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Everything you need to know about Microsoft's Wind (0 чел.) 
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Everything you need to know about Microsoft's Wind3 г., 11 мес. назад  
Microsoft prodded its since quite a while ago supposed, double screen Surface Neo gadget at its fall occasion in New York City on Oct. 2. That gadget will run a working framework variation that Microsoft has dedicated as "Windows 10X." So, what is this thing?
Here's all that I know - or possibly think I know - about Windows 10X starting today.
What is Windows 10X? Is it a similar thing as the reputed Windows Lite/Santorini that Microsoft office.com/setup watchers have secured for as far back as year?
In every way that really matters, indeed, Windows 10X is the official name for Windows Lite/Santorini. It's anything but another working framework. It's 1. Windows 10, in an increasingly measured structure, enhanced for double screen/foldable gadgets.
2. For what reason is it called 10X? It is safe to say that we should call it Windows 10?
No. Microsoft executives appear to call this Windows 10 X (as in the letter X). Equipment boss Panos Panay utilized "articulation" in front of an audience today portraying 10X, as in "it's another statement of Windows 10." So I am speculating that is the thing that the "official" clarification might be for the name.
What's the association between Windows 10X and Windows Core OS (WCOS)?
WCOS is one bit of the underpinnings of Windows 10X. Before, I (and others) have depicted WCOS as the replacement to Windows OneCore - Microsoft's www.office.com/setup endeavor to normalize a lot of center parts in Windows so they would work across various sorts of gadgets. Be that as it may, WCOS is a blend of the OneCore OS pieces, UWP/Web and Win32 application bundles, and the composable C-Shell. (See engineering chart above.) Together, these are the essential bits of Windows 10X.
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Everything you need to know about Microsoft's Wind
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